

Privacy Policy for

Innbits technologie Pvt. ltd. has created this privacy policy in order to demonstrate our company commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website:

Collection of Personal Information from Service Visitors.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. may collect personal information like name, email addresses, phone numbers of client  and user-specific information on which pages visitors access provided through online forms, through emails communication and page visits.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. may place Internet “cookies” on visitors’ hard drives. Internet cookies save data about individual visitors, such as the organization’s name, password, user-name, screen preferences, and the pages of a service viewed by the visitor. When the visitor revisits Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. web service, Innbits may recognize the visitor by the Internet cookie and customize the visitor’s experience accordingly. Visitors may decline Internet cookies, if any, by using the appropriate feature of their web client software, if available.

Use of Personal Data Collected.

Personal data collected by Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. may be used for editorial and feedback purposes, for marketing and promotional purposes, for a statistical analysis of users’ behavior, for product development, for content improvement, or to customize the content and layout of Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. service. Aggregate data on visitors’ home servers may be used for internal purposes but will not be provided to third parties such as marketing firms. Individually identifying information, such as names, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information which visitors voluntarily provide to Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. may be added to our databases and used for future calls and mailings regarding service updates, new products and services, and upcoming events.

Our company use client’s information from 30-day Trial Registration form. We keep customers contact information strictly confidential and use it only to send important information to our customers.

Security Measures.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has implemented numerous security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. For example, all Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. employees are required to certify their understanding that personal information is considered confidential, that it is important to safeguard personal information, and that Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. will take appropriate action against any employee who fails to acknowledge these facts or adhere to the requisite standards of conduct. Please be advised, that Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for the security of information transmitted via the Internet (electronic mail services) . For more private communication contact Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. at +91 – 73530 01000.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Right to Contact Users.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to contact service visitors regarding sales and other informational requests made through its web service.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Right to Change Privacy Policy.

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Any change to this Privacy Policy shall be effective as to any visitor that has accepted the Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Service Terms and Conditions before the change was made.

Contact Information

Innbits Technologies Pvt. Ltd. welcomes your comments regarding this Statement of Privacy, please contact us by e-mail at

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