IoT Development
Innbits, as a mobile application development company will boost your presence by delivering customized and dynamic mobile solutions that meet the needs of business, industry and end-users.

Data Conversing Services
Data can be classified into structure and unstructured based on certain parameter such as how it is generated, format it currently is in etc. data conversion can take up more than 25% of productive time thus making it a cost affair and a burden on the resources of the organization. Further accuracy and timeliness could be an imposing challenge .
We at Innbits Technologies with our previous exposure on handling data conversion project and its intricate knowledge on different formats into which data can be converted (CSV, SGML, XML, HTML, ADOBE, PDF, XLS, DOC) help you overcome these problems in an efficient and quick way. We have the capability of converting files virtually from any format to another.
We provide ePub/ePub3 conversion and formatting services pertaining to IDPF standards and specialize in
- Creation of EPUB from Word and other application files
- Conversion of Word files to reflowable/fixed layout EPUB (including widget placement)
- Conversion of PDF files to reflowable EPUB (including widget placement)
- Conversion of HTML/Word/XML to EDUPUB
Data Processing Services
Data processing involves organizing information into a structured format so as to render the data for further use . Data processing may involve data conversion services as a first step and can extend to data cleansing . Data validation, removing duplicate and inconsistent data points & thus processing the data into an organized meaningful and usable format
At Innbits Technologies, our data processing expert will guide and help you process your data so that it is ready accessible and usable for the intended purpose . We not only work on generic solution (Fit for all) but also provide tailor made solution to suit the organization requirement

Data Entry
We at Innbits Technologies have handled projects that involve data entry whose source has originated from Legacy systems such as hand written forms, scanned images, to offline/ online data entry into portal or databases, OCR conversions as per the requirements of the businesses